Navigate the links to the Resources pages below to find budget-related forms and useful links.
Budget Forms
Chartfield Value Request Form information (submit to Fiscal Affairs)
Dept ID Request Change Form via DocuSign (link is external, requires login)
Visit the Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) page for information regarding HRIS and for requesting access to the Human Resources Management System (HRMS).
To submit Labor Cost Distribution Change Requests, you may visit DocuSign*. There are two templates:

- Log in to Docusign.
- In the left sidebar, under SHARED FOLDERS, select the Budget Administration and Operations folder.
- Select either the Labor Cost Distribution Change Request or the Labor Cost Distribution Change Request (ORSP only) form.
* All individuals including approvers and department contacts will need to have a DocuSign account for this process. If you do not have a DocuSign account, please go to DocuSign and setup your account. Visit the SF State DocuSign page for instructions for creating your DocuSign account in PDF format.

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To view Excel files, you may download LibreOffice.