Budget Administration and Operations (BAO) is a part of Administration and Finance. Navigate the links below to learn more about our purpose, our function, our team and our partners.
Our Partners
Within our division and across the campus, we collaborate with various departments.
Administration and Finance provides the University's business support services which are accessible and delivered seamlessly to the students, faculty and staff of our campus community.
Fiscal Affairs provides financial and accounting services to the San Francisco State University community. Service areas include Financial Accounting and Reporting, OneCard Administration, Cashiering, Student Accounting, Accounts Payable and Disbursements, P-Card Administration, Travel Reimbursement and Tax-reporting Services.
Human Resources impacts the personal and professional lives of faculty and staff in meaningful and significant ways from recruitment to retirement and everything in between.
Institutional Research provides information, data and analysis to better inform decision making at all levels of the University and to satisfy external reporting requirements and needs.